Participants' Policy
Terms and Conditions
Halcyon Arts is an independent arts organization presenting concerts, workshops, retreats, and other programs.
If you have a complaint, you may contact the Director at 802-376-5244 or email us. You may also be given a cell phone number for staff which may be used during the time you are with us.
Guests of Halcyon will be treated with respect. If you need anything while you are our guest, please do not hesitate to ask a staff person. We will do everything within our means to provide for you.
Guests who behave with anger, violence or demeaning words, will be asked to leave. Anyone that deliberately harms others or property will be asked to leave. If they do not leave the premises after repeated requests, the police will be called.
Halcyon staff and program presenters have the right to withhold service when instances of abusive or violent behavior or threats to do bodily harm or property damage occur.
If guests of any of our programs have legitimate complaints, we will do all in our power to resolve them promptly. However, Halcyon staff and program presenters retain the right to withhold service at their discretion. Staff, presenters and guests participate in programs "in good faith". Halcyon Arts is not responsible for the opinions or behaviors of presenters or guests. Please let the staff know of any problems you encounter while you are participating in our programs.
Any refund will be issued by check and mailed to you or by refunding your credit or debit card, at the discretion of the management.
Retreats, Classes & Workshops: If you cancel and request a refund at least one week prior to the event, then you may receive a full refund. If you you cancel less than one week prior to an event, then no refund will be issued. If the event is canceled at any time, you will be refunded in full.
Concerts: There are no refunds available for concert ticket purchases. However, if a concert is rescheduled or cancelled, the original tickets will be honored at the same concert or any other concert with the same ticket price. If you register for a concert on our website but do not pay in advance, you will have to pay "at the door" ticket prices on the night of the concert.
Your privacy is important to us.
We collect and store your email address and any other information including snail mail address, phone number, organization affiliation, photo, etc., that you may choose to provide. However, this information is only used for communications and marketing our events. We do not share or sell our contact list or any other information with third parties.
Our site does not keep your credit or debit card information on file. When you pay with a credit or debit card, the information is sent to authorize.net to process the payment. Please see their privacy policy HERE.
Programming Policy
We always welcome new faculty and are pleased to present events, workshops, and other programs that fit under one or more of the following categories. We particularly encourage those with a multi-disciplinary approach.
We focus on world music such as Middle Eastern, Eastern European, Celtic, Indian, African, Latin and Native American (as well as music rooted in world music traditions). We also present, to a lesser degree, classical, jazz, blues, folk, new music, etc. We present rock, space or electronic music only if clearly inspired by world music traditions. In addition to concerts, we present workshops and programs on world music and other genres; improvisation, rhythm, composition, etc.; and on sound and music healing as defined by The National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians.
We present programs that include traditional spiritual practices based in the ancient mystical and monastic traditions of the religions of the world. These include the western monotheistic religions, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity; traditional forms of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Shinto; and traditional Native American and Celtic spirituality as well as other indigenous traditions. We particularly feature events designed for participants to encounter traditions very different from their own, and to build interfaith understanding and cooperation. Aldous Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy and Huston Smith’s Wisdom Traditions provide our litmus test for authentic spiritual traditions. While we do present programs in art therapy and in music played or sung therapeutically, it is unusual for us to combine new, alternative therapies with our programming in spirituality. We operate the Schattner Library based on this approach to spirituality.
Program proposals must be presented in writing by email to Robert Bowler, Director, at info@hartsne.org and include:
event title and description,
proposed dates or date range,
catering and accommodation needs, and
CV including full contact information for the proposed presenter.